About Us

We are Tanja de Jager and Koen Van Bulck
As a food lover, Tanja will take care of the healthy and healing meals at O. She was a food journalist for over 15 years for the Luxembourgish television and travelled all around the world. Her passion is to create healthy and delicious dishes, vegetarian and non-vegetarian, and she combines her knowledge of world cuisine with plant and herbal medicine to make sure it is also healing food. She organizes cooking workshops at O and will guide clients towards a healthy way of eating on a personal level. Next to that, she is a detox specialist and a lifestyle coach.
Koen spend a lifetime doing sports. He can teach you meditation and acts as a health detective. He is a licensed Shamanic Energy Healing practitioner and natural health therapist and is responsible for all energy therapies. He combines his lifelong Health studies in order to create an optimal healing environment for clients.
Together, we form the perfect team to create our dream: A Natural Health and Healing Hotel like no other exists. You can address us in English, French, Luxembourgish, Dutch and German.
Important to know: We are not medical doctors, so we do not diagnose diseases or prescribe medical or pharmaceutical treatments. Our focus is only on health and therefore not on diseases. However, we can complement and support the therapies your doctor has already started and work with your medical practitioner on the part that concerns your health. Therefore, always consult with your doctor first before starting any of our therapies or detox programs.
In our approach, we will meet you where you are. This means that we will not impose therapies, diets or lifestyle changes. After all, you know already what are the things that are not good for you. Instead, we will work with you and see what aspects you can and are willing to change. We can coach you to results that motivate. In every room, there is a binder that contains health tips. These are small things that you can change in your daily routine that will enhance your health and you can start today.