Important information

Shamanic Energy Medicine does not replace other treatments


The offered energy work has as a purpose to facilitate and support self help. It is therefore a form of coaching. It never replaces any medical treatments. There are no promisses of cures, nore are medical or psychological treatments being performed or offered within the sessions. No medication is being prescribed or recommended. No curing is being practiced in any legally determined manner. We work with self-responsible people.

Shamanic Energy Medicine is not a "curing" in the medical sense and expects a 100% participation of clients. we work shith those who are ready to take responsibility and liability and who take ownership of their health and healing path. This work compliments many other modalities but is never a replacement for professional medical advice. Consult your doctor before making changes to your health routines or lifestyle. Shamanic Energy Healing does not work with diagnoses nor with promisses or commitments towards results.